TRASHBACK! Clever Revenge by a Woman on Her Messy Neighbor

Everyone who’s ever lived next to a bad neighbor knows that they can instantly wreck your sanity. No person moving into a new home ever imagines staying beside someone horrible. But sometimes, that can happen, and it’s good if the folks next door show their true colors sooner rather than later after they’ve gained your trust.

This story is about a woman just like that who wrecked her new neighbor’s house based on a false assumption. The best part is that she messed with the wrong person and got exactly what was coming to her.

If you mess with the wrong neighbor, you get a house full of cat poop

The poster explained that in 2001, on her first trash collection day in a new neighborhood, she followed the exact protocols for dumping her garbage along with everyone else’s

She did everything right, observed the trash day procedures, and left her garbage out like everyone else. But when she returned home, she found garbage strewn across her hall, clearly stuffed through her mailslot.

The woman got extremely angry, and after asking around, she found out who had committed the disturbing act

Her neighbor admitted to putting waste through her mailslot because she thought the new neighbors had littered, which was actually a wrong assumption

Now, you’d think a reasonable person would, you know, talk to their neighbor first? Not this lady. No sir, she leaped straight into every homeowner’s worst nightmare—a garbage-filled hallway based on pure assumption.

Before going over to confront her neighbor, she cleaned the trash and the cats’ litter box and put it all in thin garbage bags that could easily tear

The angry poster flung her garbage bags full of waste and cat poop into the woman’s house with a warning not to do something like that ever again and then calmly went home

The Original Poster (OP) had assumed that she was moving into a quiet neighborhood where her kids could interact with other children, and her cats could run around. Nothing seemed amiss during the first week of living there, but garbage day seemed to bring about its own set of bizarre problems.

The poster had done everything by the book and had kept her trash out like everyone else, that fateful day. But when she came back home, she found her hall filled with waste that seemed like it had been dumped through her mailslot. She was horrified because the trash could have endangered her kids and cats. So she found out who was behind it, and came up with a revenge plan before going to their house.

Her neighbor had dumped the waste in her house because she incorrectly assumed the woman had littered. Now, littering is, of course, nasty, but it doesn’t mean that you pull a stunt like this, especially without proof. Lawyers state that if you have a problem with a neighbor not keeping their yard or space clean, you can contact local authorities, who can take stock of the offense.

Experts also state that if your neighbor is doing something that’s bothering you, you should first talk it out with them. Since you’re going to see them on a regular basis, you shouldn’t immediately go on the offense or else the relationship will get affected. Unfortunately, in this situation, it seemed like the lady next door believed in escalation rather than communication.

The OP was extremely angry with her neighbor for her false assumptions and her drastic actions. So she flung the waste that she collected from the house and her cats’ litter box and let it ‘decorate’ the woman’s spotless home. This was her form of nuclear revenge. She also threatened the lady that she’d smash her windows in if anything like this ever happened again.

In this particular case, the OP’s mind jumped straight to revenge, and it worked out for her, but it may not always be that easy. According to lawyers, the best way to handle crazy neighbors is to:

We’ve got to give the OP props for thinking of something so devilishly satisfying on the spot. Hopefully, the icky trash splattered all over the neighbor’s super clean home was enough to make her rethink ever trashing someone else’s house.  You may want to avoid such revenge yourself, though, as flinging cat poo around can be considered a biohazard and is overall quite dangerous (especially for you if the police get involved).

Bored Panda contacted u/5155163, the post’s author, to find out what happened after the incident. She said, “it happened in 2001 in the Netherlands. After the incident, I’ve never seen her again, although she lived 30 meters from me.”

“I think the other neighbors were curious how I would react to her bulls**t also because I was new over there, apparently it wasn’t the first time she put her nose in someone else’s business. They immediately helped me with the right information on who, how, when, and where she lived. There wasn’t immediate danger, so they waited [to see] how it would play out. I would have done the same, I guess.”

“The idea came quite naturally; she gave me garbage, so I gave garbage back. Unfortunately for her, the only garbage left in my home was the litter box. It blew off all the anger in me, and afterwards, I went for ice cream in the city with my kids. I felt great. And after 23 years, I can still smile when I think about it,” she added.

What would you have done if your neighbor acted like this? We’d love to hear all your creative revenge ideas.

Folks were grossed out by the neighbor’s actions and impressed by the poster’s masterful idea for revenge

Comments commending the OP’s prowess flooded in, ranging from congratulatory praise to quick pointers on cat waste disposal. They provided quite an educational insight into kitty care, wouldn’t you say?

And so, one bad neighbor learned an unforgettable lesson about assumptions and their messy consequences. Moral of the story? It’s simple: Don’t mess with a cat lover on garbage day, lest your home gets littered in a way you’ll never forget!