Alright, let’s face it – farting isn’t the most sophisticated topic, and some might find it awkward to discuss. But here’s the thing: farting is a completely normal part of a healthy digestive system and an important clue about our overall well-being.

On average, we pass gas about five to 10 times a day. The foods we eat, especially complex carbohydrates like beans, sweet potatoes, oats, and wheat, tend to make us fart more. Nutritious foods can also lead to a stronger odor in our gas.
Whether it’s five or fifty times daily, here are eight reasons why you should let those farts out and even take note of them.
1. It Reduces Bloating
Bloating is often caused by a buildup of gas in your gut. That full, tight feeling might just be because you need to fart. So, don’t hold it in – let it out and feel the relief.
2. It Helps Balance Your Diet
Each of us has a unique gut, and we process foods differently. Farting can be a useful indicator of how well-balanced your diet is. Too much red meat can cause a strong odor, whereas complex carbohydrates tend to result in more gas but with a more neutral smell.
3. It Can Relieve Abdominal Pain
Holding in gas, especially if there’s a lot of it, can cause painful intestinal distension. If you need to fart but can’t, try gently massaging your stomach to help move the gas through your system.
4. Holding It In Can Be Bad for Your Colon
While holding in farts isn’t harmful for most healthy people, it can exacerbate hemorrhoids for some or cause issues for those with a compromised colon. It’s best to let it out naturally whenever possible.
5. Inhaling Farts Might Be Good for You
It sounds odd, but a study from the University of Exeter suggests that exposure to small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas (produced during digestion) might help prevent mitochondrial damage to our cells, potentially preventing strokes, heart disease, and arthritis.
6. Farts Tell Us About Our Health
Paying attention to your gas can be insightful. Is it frequent? Does it have a strong odor? Any pain? These can all be early warning signs of health issues. If you notice significant changes in your flatulence unrelated to diet, it might be worth visiting your doctor.
7. Diagnose Food Allergies
Severe flatulence can be a sign of food allergies, like lactose intolerance or celiac disease. If you notice a big increase in gas after eating certain foods, consult your doctor for tests that can confirm allergies.
8. It Feels Good
We all know the relief that comes from letting out pent-up gas. Holding it in can make us irritable. The best thing you can do is excuse yourself to the bathroom and let it out quietly. There’s no shame in the relief it brings.
If you’re still embarrassed about farting frequently, and have ruled out any medical issues, you can make small changes to reduce gas. Eat slowly, avoid carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners, limit dairy, and get plenty of exercises.
And if you find your farts to be a sign of good health, embrace it! It’s a great indicator that your digestive system is functioning well.