Parents Throw A Gender Reveal Party For Teen After They ‘Got It Wrong’ 17 Years Ago

Once upon a time in Ohio, a couple decided it was high time to correct a 17-year oversight with a heartfelt celebration. Years ago, they had joyously informed the world of the birth of their baby girl, McKenzie. But as it turns out, there was a twist in the tale they couldn’t have anticipated.

Enter Grey Schoolcraft, the teen with a kind and understanding family. His parents, Brandon and Love Gwaltney, wanted to set the record straight by organizing a special gathering—one designed to honor Grey’s true identity.

Love, Grey’s caring mother, took to social media with an announcement filled with warmth and acceptance. “We realized we made a mistake 17 years ago when we proudly announced we had a little girl. It’s time now to introduce everyone to our son: Grey,” she lovingly shared.

Identifying as nonbinary, Grey reflected on the long yet rewarding journey of discovering his gender identity. The experience of sharing this with his mother and stepdad brought a sense of joy he hadn’t fully expected.

In a heartfelt conversation with CNN, Grey explained how changing the name he had lived with all his life was both surreal and liberating, especially with his parents’ unwavering support. “It may feel strange at first,” Grey admitted, “but it’s 100 percent worth it. I’m genuinely happy we celebrated with a gender reveal party.”

On this momentous occasion, Grey’s parents enlisted the talents of photographer Sarah McBride to document the event.

Love, aged 35, expressed to Today how thrilled Grey became as they discussed the celebration more and more. This party was about more than just a shift in names— it represented a shift to living authentically as oneself.

Grey shared with CNN a desire to include the transgender flag in their party, mentioning, “Even if you’re transitioning to nonbinary, it’s a journey—a transition—similar to going from traditionally defined female to male.”

The event photos were warmly shared online, accompanied by Love’s touching words. “When expecting a child, after the excitement sinks in, the classic question is, what gender will the baby be? We pick out clothes and adorn the nursery accordingly,” Love recounted.

“We eagerly plan and even host parties based on those early assumptions. We associate themes like strength or beauty with the gender we imagine, and typically, it aligns just fine,” Love continued.

Yet, there are instances when reality diverges from these early expectations. When that happens, it can be more complex than a mere mismatch. Sometimes, the child identified as a girl doesn’t feel they align with that gender.

This can occasionally lead to feelings of disconnect or self-esteem issues, apparent as body dysmorphia, though not always recognized. For others, this feeling manifests as an identity entirely different from their assigned gender at birth.

In those precious times, if fortune favors, the child will bravely and honestly reveal their true self to their family, despite the fear or pressure they may feel.

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