“Not How Girls Work:” Misguided Statements and the Need for Understanding

Understanding Misconceptions About Women and Their Bodies

A curious phenomenon exists where certain men believe they have profound insights into how women function, both physically and emotionally. Often fueled by misinformation or sheer presumption, these beliefs frequently range from mildly amusing to utterly astounding. The subreddit r/NotHowGirlsWork has become a repository for these misconceptions, providing moments of humor and disbelief. Let’s explore some of these ideas that men have shared.

1. Challenging Misogynistic Beliefs

In various spaces, individuals take the opportunity to directly address and counteract misogynistic beliefs. It becomes apparent through these conversations how prevalent these misconceptions are and how necessary it is to continue challenging outdated notions about women.

2. The Myth of Hair Color Warnings

Some men believe that women with bright, unnatural hair colors are issuing a cautionary signal. Rather than viewing these choices as a danger flag, it’s more accurate to see them as expressions of individuality and creativity.

3. The Descent into Illogical Theories

Conversations often begin with reasonable premises but gradually slip into bizarre logic. It serves as a reminder that critical thinking and sound reasoning are skills we all need to cultivate.

4. The Pitfalls of Victim Blaming

Rather than addressing real issues like harassment, some comments deflect responsibility onto women themselves. This victim-blaming mentality overlooks the broader societal issues that contribute to these problems.

5. Limits of Physical Comparison

The belief that women’s bodies lack the capacity for such sculpted physiques as men is common. While biological differences exist, female athletes and fitness enthusiasts frequently demonstrate that women are capable of impressive physical feats.

6. Breaking Away from Outdated Roles

Some comparisons to livestock or outdated roles suggest a belief that women’s purposes are strictly domestic. It’s time to move beyond these archaic stereotypes and recognize the diverse roles women play today.

7. Misunderstanding Human Connections

Reducing friendships to trivial analogies like “getting free coffee” belittles true human connections, displaying a fundamental misunderstanding of relationship dynamics.


8. Educational Ignorance on Display

There are posts where male users present laughably inaccurate interpretations of female anatomy, highlighting comedic ignorance. This showcases a significant gap in basic biological education.

9. Misunderstanding Menstrual Pain

Some believe that menstrual cramps are a mere inconvenience that can be “switched off” – a sentiment that dismisses the genuine discomfort many women endure.

10. Consensus in Misconceptions

Echo chambers emerge when people agree on fallacies, reinforcing each other’s misconceptions. This collective ignorance proves how dangerous uninformed consensus can be.

11. Speechless Reactions

Certain remarks are so surprising that they leave readers without words. The sheer absurdity and lack of awareness in some statements are baffling.

12. Importance of Effective Education

The subreddit serves as a reminder of how basic education has failed many and proofs ignorance’s persistence when it comes to understanding the human body.

13. Creative but Baseless Theories

One of the more imaginative theories is that milk consumption affects breast size, a belief not founded in science but rather creative fantasy.

14. The Disturbing Nature of Some Comments

While some statements are laughable, others cross into unsettling territory, underscoring the need to challenge harmful misconceptions.

15. Overwhelming Stupidity

Some beliefs are so ludicrous they warrant a visceral reaction. It reminds us that while humor is useful, the depth of some misconceptions can be quite overwhelming.

16. Stereotyping Based on Footwear

Imagine labeling women who wear Vans sneakers as “bad girls.” Such superficial judgments on personality based on shoes exemplify the depth of stereotyping.

17. Hair Myths Debunked

The misguided “expert” advice on women’s hair care that circles online often reveals profound ignorance. Thankfully, hair care is far more nuanced than some believe.

18. The Astonishingness of Some Beliefs

Nonetheless, some statements are so absurd they appear fabricated. Yet they reflect real beliefs—however outdated or illogical

19. Superficial Reductions

Some remarks reduce women to mere collections of traits, ignoring the rich complexity of human identity.

20. Reality Checks Needed

Certain statements are so glaringly inaccurate that they require an immediate reality check. The understanding of “biology” here is evidently flawed.

21. The “Nice Guy” Misunderstanding

The “Nice Guy” phenomenon reflects a misunderstanding of mutual respect and interest, with these men often bemoaning that women don’t appreciate them truly.

22. Misguided Relatability

Assumptions about what is “relatable” often don’t align with reality, as genuine women rarely share these oversimplified traits.

23. Misconceptions in Educational Settings

Misinformation can even be found in educational settings, stressing the importance of challenging these beliefs to foster better understanding and awareness.

24. Persistent Childhood Myths

Beliefs rooted in childhood misconceptions continue to influence adult perceptions, leading to strikingly ignorant conclusions.

25. Entrenched by Media

It’s clear some individuals form their beliefs from outdated movies or books, reinforcing the importance of learning from genuine experiences.

26. Absurd Simplicity

The belief that understanding women is “simple” grossly oversimplifies the complex nature of human beings, reducing them to shallow caricatures.

27. Anxiety Over Women’s Independence

The belief that women’s independence poses a threat often reflects more about the individual’s insecurities than reality itself.

28. Stereotypical Decor Assumptions

Some insist on stereotypes even in trivial matters—like computer decoration—highlighting how pervasive these unjustified assumptions are.

29. Complete Detachment from Reality

There are statements so disconnected from reality that it appears the speaker has never genuinely interacted with women before.

30. Misguided Overconfidence

Overconfidence in explaining complex topics without comprehension reveals a common tendency to uphold ignorant beliefs despite evidence to the contrary.

31. Expanding Ignorance to Other Groups

Ignorance isn’t confined to a single group. Misconceptions about LGBTQ+ communities mirror the confusion often expressed about women.

32. An Endless Battle

Correcting these misconceptions feels like a continuous struggle, highlighting the persistence of outdated beliefs despite our best efforts to inform.

33. Safety Concerns Over Ignorance

Some beliefs cause genuine concern for anyone unfortunate enough to encounter the believer in real life.

34. Deflection as a Tactic