Walter came home after a long day at work to find the house filled with the relentless cries of his newborn son, Logan. His wife, Abby, was sitting in the kitchen, looking utterly worn out by the baby’s constant wailing.

Walter gave Abby a reassuring hug. “How long has Logan been like this?” he asked gently.
Abby sighed, her voice heavy with exhaustion. “I’ve tried everything, Walter! Feeding, changing, bathing, burping… even took his temperature. But nothing works. He just won’t stop crying!”
The couple was still adjusting to their new roles as parents after Logan’s birth just a month ago. The cries of their baby were a source of distress, especially for Walter.

“Let’s figure this out together,” Walter assured, leading Abby to Logan’s room. In his crib, there was only a dictaphone playing the sound of Logan’s cries and a note. Walter switched off the device, silencing the cries.
Abby hurried to Walter’s side as he read the note aloud, a chill creeping into their hearts. “I warned you that you’d regret being rude to me. If you want to see your baby again, leave $200,000 in the luggage lockers near the pier. If you go to the police, you’ll never see him again.”
“Oh my God! What does this mean?” Abby whispered, panic-stricken.

Walter thought back to a recent encounter at the hospital, where he had mistreated a janitor after a minor incident. Could this be related? If the janitor was involved, going to the police might still be their best option.
“We need to contact the police,” Walter decided, trying to sound confident.
Abby hesitated, pointing out the note’s threat. “But what if they… Walter, what if we lose Logan?”
Walter, however, was sure that the police would be able to help them retrieve Logan safely and decided to take the risk.

The couple drove to the police station, but just as they were about to enter, Walter received a chilling text warning him not to involve law enforcement. Realizing the kidnapper was watching them, they decided they had to comply with the demands.
Yet, a short detour was necessary; Abby was not feeling well. Walter drove her home, conflicted and worried about both her and Logan.

After ensuring Abby was safe, Walter hurried to the bank to gather the ransom. He then drove to the location specified, where he was to leave the money.
Walter’s heart raced as he watched the janitor he recognized from the hospital approach the lockers. Unfortunately, a group of tourists momentarily obstructed his view, and when he could see again, the janitor had vanished with the money.

Feeling desperate and defeated, Walter hurried to confront the janitor only to learn he had been given $100 simply to make the collection. The real mastermind remained a mystery.
Walter returned home to find Abby and Logan missing, discovering soon that Abby had taken all her belongings. It dawned on him that Abby might have orchestrated everything.

Now more determined than ever to get his son back, Walter devised a plan to contact someone who might help him reach Abby.

The following day, a call from the hospital to Abby indicated that Logan needed urgent medical attention. This bait worked as Walter hoped, prompting Abby to bring Logan to the hospital where authorities were waiting.
Abby and her accomplice, who turned out to be Walter’s own brother, James, were promptly arrested at the hospital for kidnapping. Walter was overcome with relief as he hugged Logan tightly, knowing his son was safe and sound.

The confrontation with Abby revealed that she had manipulated the situation, but Walter did not care for her accusations. He was just glad to have Logan back, ready to provide a loving home all by himself if he had to.
Walter turned to the authorities for support, determined to build a brighter, safer future for himself and Logan. The crisis unveiled unforeseen betrayals but ultimately reinforced Walter’s commitment to his child.
Walter left the hospital, ready to start anew, cherishing the moments with Logan and leaving the painful past behind.