Hey there, I’m Colleen. Imagine discovering something life-changing about your partner, something so big it makes you rethink your entire marriage. That’s exactly what happened to me, and had it not been for an unexpected phone call, I’d still be in the dark about my husband’s hidden life.
For 12 years, I’ve been blissfully married to my husband Michael. We have two wonderful kids, Shawn and Milly. Everything in our life seemed perfect.
Our family enjoyed every moment together, celebrating small things like family game nights and big achievements like Michael’s recent promotion. That night was truly special.
Michael took us out for a surprise dinner. The joy in his eyes when he broke the news is still vivid in my memory.
Then, one afternoon, everything changed.

While talking on the phone with Michael, I was doing the laundry. He was getting ready for his therapy session with a therapist named Dr. Hanks.
Lately, Michael had been quite stressed – constant work trips and pressures seemed to weigh him down.
We touched on the usual topics – how his day was going, the kids’ progress.
I mentioned I was making his favorite turkey roast for dinner. We exchanged our usual warm goodbyes as his therapist arrived. I set my phone down and continued with the laundry, immersed in thoughts about the upcoming evening.
But, as I picked up my phone to call a friend about a recipe, I realized Michael hadn’t hung up. Every word he was telling his therapist was now in my ears.
Initially, I hesitated. Listening felt wrong. But then, a few words stopped me cold.

The therapist, Dr. Hanks, spoke clearly, “Okay, Mr. Fox, let’s revisit our last talk. You said your family isn’t your only family.”
“Yes, Doctor Hanks,” Michael answered.
I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it.
“Can you elaborate, Michael?” Dr. Hanks inquired, just as bewildered as I was.
“My wife Colleen and our children, Shawn and Milly, aren’t my only family. I have two other families. One in California and another in New York. I have two children with one woman and a daughter with the other.”
With the phone still tight against my ear, I sank to the floor. My heart thumped so fiercely I barely heard Michael continue.
“I tell Colleen I’m on business trips, but I’m actually visiting them. I’ve done this for years,” he added.
I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. Tears welled up, raw and unstoppable. Could everything we had, every memory, have been a lie?
Holding the phone tightly, each word from Michael pierced like a knife.

Dr. Hanks told him, “Michael, that’s a heavy burden. How do you manage it?”
Michael let out a sigh. “I’m unsure, Doctor. I love them all, but it’s overwhelming. I feel like I’m juggling three lives. I contemplate coming clean but I fear losing any of them.”
How could he profess love for us and still deceive us so cruelly? My mind was in turmoil, questions swirling, but I stayed motionless, unable to think clearly.
Every word seemed to tear my heart apart.
Michael confessed, “I realize it’s wrong. I know I’m deceiving everyone. But I don’t know how to stop or choose.”
Dr. Hanks’ voice was calm. “Michael, addressing this is crucial, not just for yourself but for all involved. Such secrets can be deeply harmful.”

“I understand, Doctor. I get it. But it feels… too late for changes.”
My world crumbled to pieces. How could the man I cherished, the father of my children, have led such a double – no, triple – life?
Tears poured down as I lay there, shattered. What could I do now? Life would never be the same.
I clutched my chest, sobbing, as Michael’s betrayal washed over me. Every shared memory, every cherished moment now seemed tainted. I agonized over how I’d ever be able to face him again.

Dr. Hanks asked, “What prompted you to betray Colleen and lead two secret lives?”
“Colleen, she… she’s my third wife,” Michael revealed, crushing my heart further.
“I’m deeply remorseful Doctor. Yet, it’s too late. I genuinely love Colleen. I never intended to betray. Circumstances dictated past decisions.”
“What now?” Dr. Hanks inquired softly.
Michael sighed, “I’m scared to tell Colleen. My children with the other families are high school-aged. I dread her reaction. I fear losing her.”
“Do you feel guilty, Michael?” Dr. Hanks paused.
Michael broke down, “Even if I wanted to amend things, it’s too late. Dividing time among three families is my life sentence.”
“Do they know about each other?” asked Dr. Hanks.
“No,” Michael finally said.
I could hear no more. I ended the call, letting the room spin around me as tears flowed.
How could he do this to us? The betrayal was unfathomable.
Just then, the kids came home from school. “Mom, we’re back!” Shawn called.
Fighting back tears, I freshened up, determined to mask my pain. I busied myself in the kitchen, preparing the turkey roast, though my mind was far away.
I decided to give Michael one final chance to confess.
That evening, as he watched TV with the kids, I called him aside.

“Michael, we need to talk urgently,” I stated bluntly.
“What’s going on, honey?” he asked, puzzled. “Hang on, I’ll be right there.”
Taking a deep breath, heart pounding, I faced him at the dining table.
“I’ve carried a secret for years, fearing it would shatter our family. I’m burdened with guilt and need to be honest,” I began.
Michael’s eyes grew wide. “What are you saying?”
“Years ago, I cheated on you in Spain with a divorced man. It’s haunted me. I’m sorry,” I admitted.
Michael leapt up, anger boiling. “WHAT? How could you? I trusted you! YOU DISGUST ME. You’re PATHETIC!”
Rage twisted his face. “You’re disloyal! I’m ASHAMED of you.”
But I held firm. Rising, arms crossed, glaring, I declared, “Surprising, isn’t it? To think I made it all up.”
“Made it up? What do you mean?” Michael stammered, confusion and shock mingling.
“It was a ploy,” I said. “To see if you’d confess about your two secret families.”
Blood drained from his face, stuttering, “Colleen, please – it’s not what you think–”
I waved him off. “Save it. I heard it all. You broke my trust, stabbed me deep.”
Michael ran after me, eyes pleading, “Colleen, please—”
“I’m done. You ruined everything.” I walked away, calling to the kids. “Pack up. We’re leaving.”
Michael stayed behind as I collected our belongings. The kids, sensing the tension, asked no questions. We left him with the wreckage he caused.
A week later, I filed for divorce.
The proceedings have begun, and I feel no regret in leaving Michael. Yet, his betrayal haunts me daily. I’m unsure when or if I’ll heal from these scars.
As I tuck Shawn and Milly in each night, I ponder rebuilding our lives. One thing I know – I won’t let anyone deceive or betray us like that again.