Women’s intuition is a powerful thing, especially when sensing that something is off about someone showing undue interest in their partner. One woman shared her story on Reddit, seeking opinions: are her pregnancy hormones causing her to overreact, or is there genuine cause for concern? Let’s dive into her story and see what you think.

Here’s What Happened

“I’m pregnant, 24 weeks along. My husband and I spent the last week visiting his family in their city. It was a challenging trip, as his folks are difficult to deal with.
My brother-in-law (28 years old) has been in a relationship with this woman, S (30 years old), for three years. At our wedding a year and a half ago, she spent a lot of time telling me how lucky I was to have my husband. I agreed, but joked that he was the lucky one.
Since then, BIL and my husband haven’t stayed in touch much, so we haven’t spoken to her either. During our recent visit, we all stayed at my mother-in-law’s house. It’s a small place, so quarters were tight.
I was on high alert for any strange behavior. Apart from her overly doting on him, nothing inappropriate happened while we were there. We returned home the day before yesterday.
Today, she video-called me while I was outside and unable to answer. I find sudden video calls very intrusive. When I called her back on a normal audio call, she didn’t answer.

She video-called me again, this time with a huge smile on her face. She excitedly yelled, ‘GUESS what I’m wearing!’ I stared blankly at the screen and realized she was wearing my husband’s T-shirt. This T-shirt has significant meaning to us. We met through a dating app, and he was wearing it in his profile picture.
I remember sharing this story with my in-laws at some point, but I can’t recall if she was there to hear it. Nevertheless, I’m so irritated. Her boyfriend has plenty of clothes at his mom’s place. Why couldn’t she just wear one of his? It feels incredibly strange that she insisted on video-calling me while wearing my husband’s shirt.”