Donald Trump returned to the White House as the 47th president of the United States on Monday, marking his second term. In his inaugural speech, he stated, “,The golden age of America begins right now.”
His message was one of optimism, promising that the nation will “flourish and be respected” with his leadership as a “peacemaker and a unifier.” Additionally, President Trump expressed his belief that he had been divinely spared from assassination to fulfill his mission to “make America great again.”
Melania Trump’s Role as First Lady
First Lady Melania Trump will not be residing full-time at the White House. She plans to divide her time between several locations. With their son Barron Trump pursuing university studies in New York, Melania, originally from Slovenia and a former model, will spend part of her time there. In addition, she will be staying at the Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.
Donald Trump has clearly shown his eagerness to serve as president once again. However, Melania’s enthusiasm for returning to the White House seems more subdued.
In a recent interview focusing on her memoir, titled “Melania,” she was asked about any anticipated differences in moving into the White House this second time compared to their initial move following the Obama administration.
Melania recalled, “The first time was challenging; we didn’t have much of the information because it was withheld by the previous administration.”
Easier Transition This Time
According to Melania, the transition this time is expected to be smoother. One reason is that she and her husband are not depending on their predecessors for vital information. “But this time I have everything,” she noted. “I have the plans. I could move in, I already packed – I already selected the furniture that needs to go in.” This readiness marks a stark difference from the previous transition.
In a noteworthy absence, Former First Lady Michelle Obama did not attend the ceremony for Donald Trump’s swearing-in.
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