Social media, the modern-day village square. It’s where we share life’s grandest spins and smallest spins alike, from baby announcements to avocado toast photography. But let’s be honest, sometimes, it’s like a scene right out of a badly scripted reality TV show where things go from fabulous to absolutely confusing, like lots of skinny fries in a bag.
Meet Ellie, an adventurous soul with a penchant for hiking and romantic endeavors with Mark, her boyfriend of almost a year. Now, picture this: they’re on a gorgeous hiking trail, the sun is throwing glow all over them, and, of course, Ellie captures this picturesque moment to share on Facebook with a couple of heart emojis. Why not let the world bask in a slice of their happiness, right?

Ah, but life, dear reader, loves a plot twist. Enter stage left: a shadowy message, demanding Ellie’s attention like an unsophisticated alarm clock. “YOU MUST RUN FROM HIM. NOW,” it says, in all caps because creepy messages tend to yell at you, in case you miss the point.
With her heart doing an Olympic sprint, Ellie couldn’t shake off the eerie message crafted by, what seemed, a ghost with no social footprint. Surprises can be wrapped both in ribbons and caution tape, folks.

Now, this is the part where I ask: What would you do, dear reader? Because Ellie found herself in a pickle. Should she tell Mark about this internet ghost, or keep it as her private brain tornado?
Our story continues with a brisk, unsolicited encore message: “Don’t tell Mark anything. Smile, don’t be aggressive with him. You got it?” I don’t know about you, but if my phone started giving me stage directions in fright, I’d be reaching for the exit.
The plot thickened faster than over-whipped frosting when Ellie noticed Mark’s usual sweet demeanor. Her world was a jittery cup of coffee that night, questioning, probing, but mostly, peeking for shadows that weren’t there.

Ellie was now living a subplot within her own life, with every side-eye from Mark becoming suspect—but was she just seeing apparitions? The rustle in the bushes that turned out to be the wind?
One cryptic direction followed another until finally, the messenger ordered a meet-up at Bayou Bakery. Goody, a rendezvous with a splash of suspense, like caffeine minus the comforting warmth.

Mark, on the other end of this Facebook suspense saga, was orchestrated into the mystery as well. At our climactic cafe meet-up, Mark was supposed to be the dragon slain by suspicion, but lo and behold, he had a feathered cap of queries himself.
Turns out they were both characters in a grand scheme–orchestrated by Andrew, a mutual friend with a peculiar sense of humor and tests. It was part-social-experiment, part-meanness, fully uncomfortable for our protagonists.

Andrew thought he’d teach the couple a lesson about communication through fright; but as they say, friends like these might better try knitting. His antics did coax from them an insight: trust isn’t a currency to be spent lightly.

Despite his immature ruse, the situation forced Ellie and Mark to face a rather unvarnished truth: when anonymous hoo-ha gets into your relationship, maybe it’s time for a chinwag or a confidante or two.
Wrapping this tale of questionable friendship and unwarranted stress, Ellie and Mark left the cafe with a newfound wisdom rather than bitterness. Suspicion could very well ruin a perfectly good hiking photo, and being open might prevent another Andrew’s antics in your own life.