I Hope Mommy Comes Soon, Orphan Girl Prays at Bedtime, Old Lady Comes for Her in the Morning

Little Angelina had a nightly ritual at her foster home. She would kneel by her bed and pray fervently, hoping for a miracle. Her friend, Hannah, had told her that praying was the way to get her wishes fulfilled. “If you really want something, God will listen,” Hannah had said.

Angelina wondered if it was true. “Did you get your wish?” she asked Hannah, intrigued by the possibility.

Hannah admitted that her own wish had yet to come true, but she remained hopeful. “My mom used to tell me to pray. I believe I’ll see her again,” she shared, full of optimism.

Angelina’s heart ached for her own mother’s presence. She missed her dearly and longed to return to her familiar home. But all she had since that fateful day when the police took her was a bunk bed, a room with many other children, and the distant memory of her mother.

Determined, Angelina clasped her hands together. “Dear God, please bring Mommy back to me,” she prayed with all her might, hoping for divine intervention.

“Amen!” she concluded her prayer, almost shouting the word, earning a gentle cautionary reminder from her foster parents to get into bed.

Though Angelina went to sleep with a lingering hope in her heart, the next morning dawned without her mother at her bedside. She felt a tinge of disappointment but clung to Hannah’s words of waiting and faith.

Then, an unexpected visitor arrived at their door—a woman named Danielle Forester claimed to be Angelina’s grandmother. Her arrival was surprising, especially since Angelina didn’t recall ever having a grandmother.

At first, Angelina couldn’t comprehend how this woman could be her family. But as Danielle explained, Angelina learned about a grandmother who had been unable to care for her but was now able to.

Danielle revealed everything—that her own daughter, Angelina’s mother, had passed away in an accident, which was why Angelina ended up at the foster home. Heartbroken and yet reassured by Danielle’s affectionate promise, Angelina felt warmth and new hope.

That day, Angelina experienced a bittersweet joy. “I prayed for Mommy,” she told Danielle, “God sent you, and a grandma is a kind of mommy, right?”

Danielle laughed softly. “You could say that, sweetheart,” she agreed, ready to take Angelina into her care and heart.

As Angelina prepared to leave the foster home, she turned to Hannah to say goodbye. “You were right,” she told her friend with excitement.

Hannah smiled, happy for her friend and touched by the evidence of answered prayers. “See? God has a way of answering our prayers,” she said, hugging Angelina tightly.

Angelina nodded, comforted by the thought that her faith had brought her a grandmother, even if she couldn’t have her mother back.

“I hope he answers your prayers soon,” Angelina whispered to Hannah before leaving with her new guardian. With new beginnings on the horizon, Angelina felt hopeful, trusting in the comfort of a family and the power of her prayers.