I Found a Girl in the Middle of an Empty Road at Night – When I Got Closer, I Went Pale

On one particularly foggy night, a mother found herself driving alone, trying to navigate the thick mist that had enveloped the road. Her eyes were weary from a long day at work, and her only thought was to get home and sink into her cozy bed.
The road she had chosen was not one she particularly liked. Usually, she opted for the main highway, but tonight she decided to take a shortcut, hoping to save some time.

Suddenly, through the hazy fog, something caught her attention. A shadowy figure stood in the middle of the road, forcing her to slam on her brakes. Her heart pounded as she peered through the mist, trying to discern what she was seeing.
As her fear grew, she rolled her car forward slowly, the outline becoming clearer with each inch. It was a young girl, thin, wearing a dress that hung in tatters.

Her instinct told her to turn around and drive away, but something stronger kept her car stationary. She lowered her window just a crack, her voice shaky as she called out, “Are you okay?”
Cautiously, she stepped out of her car with a flashlight in hand, directing the beam towards the girl’s face. What she saw next made her blood run cold. The familiar face of her daughter, Emily, who had disappeared five years ago, stared back at her.

The overwhelming mix of relief and shock took her breath away. Emily’s voice, small and tentative, uttered “Mommy?”
It was an unexpected reunion with the daughter who had vanished without a trace, leaving behind no clues to her whereabouts.

The police search that had stretched on for weeks after Emily’s disappearance, had also come up empty-handed. Now, here she was, standing in the road like a ghost from the past.
“Emily! Oh my God, it’s really you!” The words spilled out, her voice trembling with emotion. Emily blinked, her expression one of confused emptiness, and she murmured, “I don’t know,” when asked about her ordeal.

The mother recalled words of caution she had been given long ago: if they ever found Emily, there was a chance she may not remember her past due to blocking out traumatic memories.
With care, she wrapped Emily in her coat and guided her into the car, the drive home silent. Emily’s gaze was fixed on the hazy night sky, her mind seemingly elsewhere.

Once home, Emily remained quiet, unresponsive to probing for details of her absence. The mother could feel a new tension building, unsure of what to expect as Emily seemed unfamiliar with their surroundings.
As days passed, an uneasiness hung in the air. Emily, now back in the safety of her family, stayed withdrawn, communicating only in short, simple phrases.

One evening, she discovered Emily sitting amongst a pile of old family photo albums, her small fingers tracing the images. A particular photo caught her attention – that of her father.
Emily’s soft utterance, “I know him,” brought a chill down the mother’s spine. “Honey, that’s your dad,” she responded, her voice tight with emotion.

Emily continued, “I know him from the place,” referring to wherever she had been during her absence.
Confusion and dread lingered, as memories of Mark’s twin brother, Jake, surfaced. She recalled how similar they looked, and how Jake had been a comforting presence after Mark passed away.

The real truth became clearer when they found out Jake was involved in Emily’s disappearance. He had taken Emily and kept her hidden away, pretending to be her caretaker.
Finally, with Jake’s arrest, the family found a sliver of peace. Emily slowly emerged from her haunting silence, pouring out her emotions and finding comfort in the safety of her home once more.

Her mother embraced her, whispering promises of safety and love, determined to repair the years that had been stolen from them.