Actor Ben Affleck recently found himself in a bit of a situation, having to leave his home in a hurry due to a looming threat. With a concerned expression, the star quickly sought refuge at the home of his former spouse and mother of his children, Jennifer Garner. This decision was made as the fires continue to wreak havoc in the region.
The star of Good Will Hunting was spotted making his way to Garner’s residence. Keeping an arm casually out of the window of his black SUV, he made the journey on a Tuesday night, his mind evidently preoccupied with the situation at hand.
Clad in a black suit with a white collared shirt, Affleck showed obvious signs of distress, frequently glancing back at the thick, ominous smoke rising in the distance. It was clear that time was of the essence as the scenario could potentially deteriorate further.
Affleck, aiming to reunite with his children who reside nearby, found some solace in knowing they were close. Meanwhile, Garner has yet to receive any mandatory evacuation notice, but given the escalating conditions, it’s possible she may need to leave soon as well.
Presently, over 30,000 individuals, among them numerous well-known figures, have been advised to evacuate their homes in the Los Angeles area to escape the advancing fires. These blazes are being exacerbated by intense winds reaching up to 100 miles per hour.
The atmosphere is filled with a heavy, dark smoke, with some people noting visible flames, while others describe the sky as a blanket of thick black smoke. The situation is grave, and many are hoping for divine intervention as experts caution that the worst may still be on its way.
Communities are on edge as they brace for the potential escalation of fires, holding onto hope that favorable changes in weather conditions may aid in controlling the blaze soon. Meanwhile, emergency services urge residents in the affected areas to follow evacuation orders promptly for their safety.