The conversation around birthright citizenship has generated significant public interest lately after a major policy shift proposed by President Donald Trump. His executive order intended to end birthright citizenship generated waves, contributing to a broader national discussion.
Initially scheduled to become effective on February 19, Trump’s executive order faced immediate legal challenges. A federal judge in Seattle intervened, issuing a temporary block on the order. This legal battle continues to be a source of much debate and is expected to ultimately find resolution in the Supreme Court.
The ongoing discourse around this order is underscored by a significant trend: in 2023 alone, around 250,000 children were born in the United States to illegal migrant parents, thereby acquiring American citizenship. This has sparked extensive debate about the implications of birthright citizenship and its potential impact on national policy.
Should the birthright citizenship ban be enforced, it stands to affect many thousands of individuals born to illegal migrants, a point highlighted by several reports.
Recent findings from the Center for Immigration Studies suggest that in 2023, between 225,000 and 250,000 births were attributed to illegal migrant parents. These figures represent approximately 7% of the total number of births in the United States that year, painting a stark picture of the changing demographic landscape.
For context, the number of births to illegal migrants is greater than the combined totals of all but two individual states, illustrating the significant impact on the national birth statistics.
Remarkably, more babies were born to parents with illegal status than to those with legal noncitizen status. With projections for 2024 yet to be confirmed, there is speculation about an even greater number. This raises questions about ongoing migration trends under the current administration, led by President Biden, and how this will influence future policy decisions.