Kourtney Kardashian Has Come Out

Kourtney Kardashian recently shared some personal news that has taken many by surprise.

She opened up about her identification as autosexual, a revelation that has certainly piqued the interest of her fans.

In a heartfelt disclosure on her lifestyle website, Poosh, Kourtney expressed, “Are you autosexual? The short answer is yes, most likely. In fact, we all are, at least a little.”

While the term left some fans scratching their heads, wondering, “What does that mean?” others commented on social media about this new term, describing it as unfamiliar and intriguing.

In her explanation, the 44-year-old elaborated on the concept. She quoted Casey Tanner, a therapist and writer who founded QueerSexTherapy, defining autosexuality as “a trait wherein one is turned on by engaging in their own eroticism.”

To put it simply, she noted that many women feel more attractive and sexual when they themselves feel sexy. It’s a universal experience but not limited to any particular gender.

While self-stimulation may be the most apparent form, autosexuality encompasses a broader range of behaviors. This can include feeling attraction to oneself through actions like looking at, visualizing, touching, or even taking in one’s own scent.

Consider pampering oneself with a luxurious bath, fully appreciating one’s body, or enjoying a moment of dancing while admiring oneself in a mirror. If these experiences stir a sense of sensuality independent of another person, that’s autosexuality, and it’s entirely normal.

Noted in Dictionary.com, autosexuality is defined as a sexual attraction to oneself, often marked by a preference for self-pleasure over traditional sexual intercourse.

Alex Bert, a dating expert and relationship coach, added his insights. “Autosexuality is an emerging sexual identity that more people are recognizing today. It involves a primary sexual attraction to oneself more than to others,” he explained.

Sexuality is a spectrum, with many identifying as autosexual while still enjoying intimate relationships with others. He noted that if aspects of autosexuality resonate with you, it might lead to experiencing a sense of freedom and empowerment.

This conversation opens up new avenues of understanding sexual identity and is a testament to embracing oneself fully, without judgment. Kourtney’s candidness encourages others to explore and accept their personal truths, whatever they may be.